Kiwanis Holiday Lights is 100% volunteer operated! This year, 63 local nonprofit volunteer groups are helping with set-up, tear-down and nightly duties during the event. Each volunteer group has the opportunity to enter a float in the opening night parade and decorate a tree in the “nonprofit tree area.” In addition, these nonprofit organizations receive a portion of the donations received by Kiwanis Holiday Lights.
We're currently at capacity with the number of volunteer groups that are involved,
but you're welcome to contact us to be added to the waiting list.
Since Kiwanis Holiday Lights first started in 2012, over 21,000 volunteers from over 100 nonprofit organizations have participated with set-up, tear-down and running the event, logging over 120,000 volunteer hours.
Thanks to the donations that are provided by event attendees, $690,000 has been donated
to the nonprofit organizations that have provided volunteers.
If you’re interested in volunteering, contact one of the groups listed below
to inquire if they need assistance with their pre-scheduled volunteer shifts.
Kiwanis Holiday Lights Volunteer Contact Information:
(507) 385-9129

Aktion Club Theatre of Mankato/
Open Arts Minnesota
Bethany Lutheran College
Blue Earth County Fair Association
BECHS (Blue Earth County Historical Society)
Bridges Community School
Camp Sweet Life Adventures
Christ the King Lutheran Church
Circle the Earth Recreation Association
Dance Conservatory
Girl Scout Troop 34494 and 39738
Gustavus Adolphus Women's
Soccer Team
Habitat for Humanity South Central Minnesota/ReStore
Homebot Robotics
Horizon Homes
Immanuel Lutheran School -
Mankato (K-12)
Lasting Imprint
Leisure Education for Exceptional People (LEEP)
​Lyle C Pearson Disabled American Veteran Auxiliary Unit 10
Mankato Area Hockey Association
Mankato Area Public Schools & Community Education
Mankato Area Youth Bowling Assoc.
Mankato Christian Academy
Mankato Area Youth Baseball Assoc. (MAYBA)
Mankato East Boys Basketball
Mankato East Football
Mankato East Girls Basketball
Mankato East Girls Hockey
Mankato East Softball
Mankato East VEX Robotics
Mankato Family YMCA
Mankato FFA Alumi & Supporters
Mankato HOSA
Mankato Kiwanis Club
Mankato Makerspace
Mankato Police Explorers
Mankato Teachers Association
Mankato West Key Club
Mankato West VEX Robotics
Merely Players Community Theatre
MSU Mankato Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE) Fraternity
MSU Cheer Team
MSU Circle K
MSU Delta Sigma Pi
MSU Learning Communities
MSU Mavericks - Student Athletes
MN Valley Action Council (MVAC)
Mt. Olive Lutheran School and Church
North Kato Explorers
Nicollet County 4-H Club
North Mankato Firefighters Relief Association
One Bright Star
Optimist Club of Minnesota Valley
Risen Savior Lutheran School
Saint Peter High School
National Honor Society
Sertoma Club of Greater Mankato
South Central College
South Central MN Pride
The Junior League of Greater Mankato
Troop 8 Scouts BSA
Twin Valley Council BSA
YWCA Mankato
1000 Degrees Pizza
Atomic Star Tavern
Boulder Tap House
Buffalo Wild Wings
Casey's General Store
Crisp & Green
Crooked Pint
Cub Foods West
Dickey's BBQ Pit
Dinos Pizza
Dominos Pizza
Ecumen Pathstone Living
Erbert & Gerbert's
Happy Chef
Jake's Stadium Pizza
JD's Hideaway
Jonny B's
Kato Pizza by Gary
Little Caesars Pizza
Loose Moose Saloon
Maverick's Sports Bar
MC's Garage
Nakato Bar & Grill
Nolabelle Kitchen + Bar
Noodles & Company
Number 4 American Bar & Kitchen
Olde Brick House
Olive Garden
Pagliai's Pizza
Pappageorge Restaurant & Bar
Pita Pit
Pizza Hut
Pizza Ranch
Pub 500
Red Lobster
Rounders Sports Bar & Grill
Slim Chickens
Spinners Bar & Grill
Swiss & Madison
Toppers Pizza
Ummies Bar & Grill
Wow! Zone Family
Entertainment Center
What is the minimum age for volunteers?
During the weekend days of set-up and tear-down we encourage volunteers of any age. On the event nights, we ask that volunteers are at least 16 years old for safety reasons.
How can my group volunteer next year?
The best way is to email The Volunteer Committee determines the nonprofit groups late in the summer.
Who benefits from the donations?
All the nonprofit groups who help set up, volunteer during the event and take down the displays receive a share of the donations given to Kiwanis Holiday Lights. They also receive an opportunity to have a float in the parade and decorate a tree in the nonprofit tree area. Over 100 groups have volunteered their time over the past ten years and over $367,000 was donated to these organizations in the first seven years of the event. This year, 68 groups will volunteer!
How many volunteers have helped?
Over 1,000 people volunteer their time each year. On average, over 10,000 volunteer hours go into putting on Kiwanis Holiday Lights each winter. Over the first seven years of the event, 74,790 volunteer hours were provided by 12,485 volunteers!